How Are Same-Day Crowns Different From Traditional Crowns?

Dental crowns restore a tooth’s shape, size, and strength after it has been damaged by decay or injury. While traditional dental crowns are made in a laboratory and require multiple visits, same-day crowns are made quickly and in one appointment. A computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) machine takes 3D images of the tooth, which are used to create the crown. The machine sends the images to a milling machine that cuts out the crown. The dentist places the completed crown on the tooth and ensures it fits comfortably in the patient’s mouth. At Julita S Patil DDS Inc., same-day crowns offer many benefits to a patient when compared to traditional crowns. For instance, same-day crowns can be completed in one visit instead of two or three, so patients do not have to make as many trips to their dentist’s office. Also, patients will not have to wait weeks for their permanent restorations to be complete but can receive them the same day as their initial consultation. Same-day crowns also require less tooth preparation than traditional ones because they eliminate the need for impressions and temporary crowns. 

The Same-Day Crowns Procedure

Our dentists use CEREC technology to create same-day crowns for our patients. This advanced technology eliminates the need for messy impressions and allows you to complete treatment faster than ever before! We will scan your teeth with 3D imaging software to create a digital impression of your tooth. Then, the dentist will use the computer to design the perfect custom-fit dental crown. Once we have designed the crown, we can mill it in our office while you wait. Instead of waiting for your restoration to be created in a dental lab, you can receive a custom-fit crown the same day your appointment begins!

The Benefits of Same-Day Crowns

  • Same-day crowns can be placed in a single appointment. In contrast, with traditional crowns, you typically have to make two appointments – one for the consultation and impression, then another for the final placement. With same-day crowns, you only have to make one dental appointment. 
  • With the same-day option, you do not have to wait weeks to months to restore your smile. And you will not have to wear a temporary crown in the meantime. Instead, you get a beautiful crown covering your tooth in just one visit. 
  • Same-day crowns are made from solid and durable materials that mimic natural teeth, so your restoration will not stick out like a sore thumb when you smile or speak. Instead, it will blend seamlessly into your smile so you can show off your beautiful teeth again immediately! 

Contact Julita S Patil DDS Inc., at 2991 TREAT BLVD SUITE A, CONCORD, CA 94518, or call (925) 689-2585 to learn more about same-day crowns or to schedule your appointment with our skilled dentists. 

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